Ryan Gosling to McCruelty: ‘What’s Your Excuse?’

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read
Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling is the heartthrob with a heart of gold—and now he’s got a message for the Golden Arches: Stop scalding chickens to death in defeathering tanks. The Oscar-nominated actor just fired off a letter on PETA’s behalf to McDonald’s CEO Jim Skinner asking him to adopt a less cruel slaughter method. Controlled-atmosphere killing (CAK), which McDonald’s European suppliers already use, would eliminate the worst abuses currently faced by chickens who are killed for McNuggets.

Ryan himself said it best in Half Nelson: “The only constant is change.” By changing to a more humane slaughter method, McDonald’s would evolve and show the world some compassion for animals. If you could say anything to McD’s, what would you tell them?

Written by Logan Scherer

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