Video: Dog Freed From Chain and Adopted Can’t Stop Wagging His Tail

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Dogs communicate with their tails, and Cooper is using his to say, “Thank you!” a thousand times a day.

dog can

Before he was a master of tail cardio, Cooper spent years chained in a muddy yard in Halifax County, North Carolina. PETA fieldworkers visited him regularly, providing him with a doghouse, dry straw bedding, food, clean water, veterinary care (including a neuter surgery), toys, treats, and affection. They also urged his owner to let them place him in an indoor home. On one visit, they found that he was suffering from a massive flea infestation that had caused him to lose much of his fur and that his teeth were extremely worn down, likely from chewing on the chain. When fieldworkers discovered that his owner had been moved into a nursing home, they implored the family to let PETA take the pup. The family finally agreed, and Cooper was free from his chain at last.

chained dog

After spending a few days getting some much-needed TLC, he was transferred to the Virginia Beach SPCA for a chance at finding a loving guardian and a new home. And it wasn’t long before he did.

Relegating a dog to a chain is tantamount to torture for these social, pack-oriented animals. Chained dogs are commonly neglected and denied adequate veterinary care, access to clean water, protection from the elements, exercise, and companionship. And they frequently become helpless victims of natural disasters, cruel people, and hungry predators.

Every dog deserves a loving indoor home like the one Cooper has now. If you spot a chained dog living in your area, check out PETA’s tips on ways you can help. And use our resource guide to get a chaining ban passed in your area.

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