10 Horror Movies Guaranteed to Terrify This Halloween
What’s scarier than Michael Myers, Chucky, Pennywise, and Freddy Krueger combined? How about some real-life nightmares? Here are the scariest horror movies to watch this Halloween—we dare you to keep your eyes open.
1. In The Silence of the Lambs, Ted Levine’s Buffalo Bill kills women and wears their skin. Although the character was inspired by real-life serial killers, most of us couldn’t imagine such a heinous act, right? Except that in the footage below, actual dogs are bludgeoned and killed so that their skin can be turned into leather gloves, belts, and jacket collar trim for everyday consumers.
2. Good luck sleeping after you watch PETA Asia’s horrifying look inside a real Thai slaughterhouse.
3. This video of octopuses and other animals being butchered alive and served to diners makes Hannibal look like a Disney movie.
4. Fair warning: This footage of workers bashing cows in the head with sledgehammers before finally cutting their throats while they’re still conscious might put you off your lunch.
5. In 1982’s Poltergeist, a parapsychologist drops the chicken drumstick he’s snacking on when he realizes that it’s crawling with maggots. If that’s not enough to make you go vegan, maybe this video of pigs on an Indiana “farm” teeming with maggots and roaches will be.
6. Donovan’s Brain ain’t got nothin’ on the real-life goings on of Texas A&M University’s muscular dystrophy dog laboratory.
7. The only thing scarier than seeing crocodiles being skinned alive while still moving is—wait, sorry, nothing’s scarier.
8. I lost one good night’s sleep after watching The Hills Have Eyes, but I gave up eating animals forever after watching Meet Your Meat.
9. This footage from canine blood “bank” Hemopet might look like it’s a clip from a Stephen King movie, but it’s all too real for the greyhounds forced to “pay rent” with their blood.
10. If Tyson’s Dirty Deeds doesn’t give you nightmares for days, we don’t know what will.
Did you survive all 10 videos? Here’s what to do next: