‘Playmate of the Year’ Hawks (Faux) Hot Dogs
It’s National Veggie Dog Day! This means that vegetarians across our great nation are pulling out the charcoal and gathering their friends for a summer feast that they won’t soon forget. In honor of this year’s “holiday,” we assembled several of our nation’s finest ladies, including Playboy Playmate of the Year—and stunning vegetarian—Jayde Nicole, on Capitol Hill.
Wearing only a lettuce bikini and her 1,000-watt smile, Jayde helped us get our healthy, humane, and tasty veggie dogs to our nation’s finest congressmembers. While serving up the “dogs” to politicians and passersby, Jayde reminded each person that “the best way to safeguard your health, reduce your carbon footprint, save animals’ lives, and look your very best is to go vegetarian.”
For those of you who can’t get enough of Jayde, there are more photos of her after the jump.
Written by Christine Doré