Photo of the Day: PETA’s Rescued Pigs Chillin’ at Sanctuary

Published by Heather Moore.
< 1 min read

Remember the mother pig and her seven piglets and their two older siblings, all of whom PETA rescued from a dilapidated pen at a trailer park in North Carolina? Well, they’ve been enjoying the peaceful winter wonderland at Poplar Spring Animal Sanctuary in Maryland.


As you can see, the babies, now named Winston, Toby, Clyde, Genevieve, Prudence, Lenore, and Veronica, have grown quite big. But they all still sleep together every night. They love being petted and having their stomachs rubbed, as does their mom, Abbie. And of course, they all like to go out to forage and have fun in the snow.

What You Can Do

Help other charming pigs by choosing great-tasting vegan foods, including soy sausage and veggie bacon, instead of pig flesh. If you need more inspiration, read PETA’s 11 reasons to love pigs, not eat them.

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