PETA’s Leopard Ladies Take a Stand for the Brazilian Wax
As a woman and an as-proud-as-you-can-be resident of New Jersey, I have to say that this latest piece of news frightened me right down to my … toes. The New Jersey State Board of Cosmetology and Hairstyling was seriously considering a ban on any and all waxing of our lady-parts—particularly “Brazilians”—after two women wound up hospitalized with infections they contracted following their, ahem, extreme waxes. The idea of a ban has been dropped but that’s not stopping us here at PETA. As you know, we are decidedly anti-fur—at least when it comes to fur that’s been stolen from animals—and think women should have the right to shed as much fur as they want!
I mean, let’s face it—if you’re popping into the back room of your nail salon for a $15 Brazilian, you’re probably going to get what you pay for, but that’s no reason to consider a universal ban on waxing.
With that in mind, we’re dispatching our lovely Leopard Ladies to the garden state to speak up for every woman’s right to go as bare as she dares—and, more importantly, to call attention to a much grosser type of fur trim. You know, the stuff you see on the coats and jackets of people who don’t know any better? And what better way to get tongues wagging about this very important issue than a billboard—specifically, this billboard:
Look out, Trenton! This will hopefully be coming soon to a billboard near you.
Written by Amanda Schinke