We Did It! Canada Goose Ditches Fur After Massive PETA Campaign

Published by PETA Staff.
4 min read

After years of campaigning by PETA entities and relentless activists around the world, Canada Goose is ending its use of fur!

Canada Goose bans fur

PETA supporters have been showing up in droves to demonstrations outside Canada Goose stores and meetings and even at the home of CEO Dani Reiss. And they’ve been bombarding the company’s inboxes every day with messages demanding that it stop using the fur of coyotes who were trapped and violently killed.

PETA Canada Goose Campaign
Years of innovative activism from PETA supporters helped to persuade Canada Goose to ditch fur. Special thanks to PETA action leaders Jenny McQueen, Ashley Ollie, and Len Goldberg, who helped make many of these powerful demonstrations possible.
PETA Canada Goose Campaign
PETA Canada Goose Campaign
PETA Canada Goose Campaign
PETA Canada Goose Campaign
PETA Canada Goose Campaign
Protestors wearing coyote masks disrupt the IPO Stock Exchange to protests against the trade of Canada Goose stock due to their use of fur trapping. Signs read, “Indecent Public Offering” and “Trading Lives is a Bad Business”
PETA Canada Goose Campaign
Actor Maggie Q and activists protest Canada Goose’s cruel use of coyote fur.
PETA Asia Canada Goose demo in Seoul
Activists protested Canada Goose over its sale of down and fur in Seoul, South Korea.

PETA has been running a near-constant stream of ads targeting the company on billboards, buses, bus shelters, bike racks, and everywhere else we could get the message out. We became a Canada Goose shareholder so we could apply pressure in the boardroom.

anti-canada goose ad in vancouver
Stop Wearing Canada Goose sign

Loads of celebrities used their public platforms to demand change and urge their social media followers not to buy Canada Goose, including Pamela Anderson, Bill Maher, Morrissey, Justin Long, Maggie Q, and many more. Perhaps most importantly, following PETA pressure, Canada Goose stopped hiding behind misleading claims as we exposed how horrendously trapped coyotes suffer. After we filed a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission, the company stopped claiming that its standards “ensure” that suppliers don’t abuse animals.

WE DID IT. Canada Goose is going fur-free.

PETA applauds the company for making this compassionate decision that reflects the ethics of the vast majority of people, who believe that animals should not be tormented and killed for their fur. Canada Goose will join a long and ever-growing list of top fashion brands that have sworn off fur, including Prada, Coach, Versace, Michael Kors, Balmain, Gucci, Calvin Klein, Burberry, and many others.

In light of Canada Goose’s decision, PETA is placing a moratorium on our campaign against the company while we work behind the scenes on ending its use of down feathers.

Thank you to all the activists and supporters who made this victory possible!

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