PETA to Turn Church Into Christian Vegetarian Center?

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read
lorimoon / CC
Sarah Brown

When real-estate flipper Geoffrey King heard that a 101-year-old church in the struggling town of Cairo, Illinois, was going up for sale, he came up with a plan to benefit the community. King spent a year fixing up the church and then listed the building on eBay for $50,000.

His plan? Donate half the profits to build a pool for local kids.

The heartbreaking part? Nobody bid on the church.

Well, PETA knows a little something about compassion—so we’ve written to King and offered to rent the church until it sells. If he agrees, we’ll rename the church the “Praise Seitan Center” (because delicious wheat “meat” is truly heavenly) and use it to educate Cairo residents about how the Bible imparts a reverence for life—and a loving God could not help but be appalled by the way that animals are mistreated today. People can put Christian principles into practice three times a day, seven days a week, by eating healthy and humane vegetarian foods.

Our offer will help King save up funds for the Cairo pool and create a more kind community. I really hope he doesn’t let this opportunity pass by.

Written by Liz Graffeo

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