PETA Tells Parents ‘Don’t Let Your Kids Become Hookers!’

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

In advance of Fish Amnesty Day on September 24, created almost 20 years ago as a nonviolent alternative to National Hunting and Fishing Day, “Tiffany Tuna”—a PETA member in a larger-than-life fish costume—took to the streets of Charleston, South Carolina, on Thursday with a sign that proclaims, “Don’t Let Your Kids Become Hookers!”


Fishing is a blood sport that subjects animals to the agony of being impaled, torn from their aquatic homes, and gutted to death,” says PETA Executive Vice President Tracy Reiman. “PETA is calling on parents to teach kids the important lesson of empathy for all living beings, from cats to catfish.”

When hauled up from the ocean, fish experience the agony of being crushed to death, and their eyeballs bulge out of their heads from the pressure of sudden surfacing.

What  You Can Do

Let fish off the hook—literally—by refusing to catch or eat them, and urge others to do the same.

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