PETA Tells Hunters and Anglers: ‘We’re Watching From Land and Sea’

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Hunters and anglers who are planning to participate in National Hunting and Fishing Day on September 27 had best beware: PETA could be watching.

PETA Air Angels Hobby Drone flying

Following the successful launch of our Air Angels hobby drones, which allow kind “hunter watchers” to capture and share video footage of illegal or cruel hunting practices, PETA is introducing a new “angler watcher” drone program using existing submersible technology.

According to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, there are more than five times as many wildlife watchers as there are hunters and more than twice as many wildlife watchers as there are anglers. Much like the Air Angels drones allow people who care about wildlife to catch hunters who commit cruel or illegal acts such as drinking while in the possession of a firearm, failing to follow a deer whom they have injured but not killed, or leaving bear cubs orphaned, PETA’s new submersible Aquatic Angels drones will help to combat anglers who fish in restricted areas, catch protected species, or chum for sharks illegally.

Coral Trout


We’re recruiting supporters to field-test the new drones in lakes, rivers, and oceans to ensure that anglers are following the law and to help document the cruelty inherent in fishing—how fish suffer when they’re hooked and thrown back into the water injured and how other unsuspecting wildlife are ensnared by line, nets, lures, and other equipment that gets lost or stuck under the water. September 27 is also marked as Fish Amnesty Day, so anglers should consider themselves warned.

PETA will not be releasing the exact locations where the air and sea drones will be operating so that everyone who takes part in the so-called “sport” of hunting and killing animals will know that their actions might be caught on camera.

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