PETA Tackles North Korea?

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read
Philip J. Crowley

After North Korea fired an artillery barrage into the Yellow Sea yesterday, U.S. State Department Assistant Secretary Philip J. Crowley told reporters, “Well, I’m sure it resulted in a lot of dead fish. And we certainly hope that PETA will protest.

We’re flattered that Mr. Crowley has faith in PETA’s ability to defend fish sea kittens, and we would like to note that since we do indeed tackle “everything from fur-wearing Hollywood celebrities and circus elephant acts to the meat and dairy industry,” we need folks like Mr. Crowley who are concerned about sea kittens to take action to help them. For starters, we can all help stop the military from bombarding ocean life between California and Hawaii with sonar blasts.

Written by Karin Bennett

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