PETA’s Wedding Gift for Jessica & Justin

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake traveled to Italy to tie the knot and snatched up a wedding gift from PETA that was sure to delight the devoted dog guardians: Daisy Dog Studio’s Tea for Two Teapot.

And while everyone was busy tweeting about Jessica and Justin’s wedding, they didn’t forget about animals:

After years of being teased by their buddy, vegetarian Wu-Tang Clan member GZA, about eating meat, Method Man and Redman have gone vegetarian. Considering that PETA pal Masta Killa is also vegetarian, perhaps the next album that Wu-Tang drops will have an ode to veggies?

The stars of The Big Bang Theory didn’t have to travel to space to get vegan food all over their faces (although they probably would have enjoyed that). They just competed in a vegan pie-eating contest

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