PETA’s ‘Pilgrims’ Offer Up Free Tofurkys

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

When PETA’s “pilgrims” landed at a busy intersection in Ottawa, a lot of rubbernecking started—two passersby even collided. (Thank goodness each walked away unharmed—wish we could say the same for this little guy.) Ottawa Metro was there to report on the crowd of enthusiastic folks who lined up for the free Tofurkys and vegan info that our lovely lasses were dishing up.



Sometimes it can feel great to walk away empty-handed, as our pilgrims can attest: They came with 500 vegan starter kits and a small mountain of delicious vegan Tofurkys—and the crowd gobbled up each and every offering. Thanks to all who participated in this lifesaving action. Well done!

Written by Karin Bennett

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