Photos: They Came, They Saw, They Adopted

Published by Alisa Mullins.
3 min read

Here at PETA, our motto is “go big or go home.” So, of course, when we held a multishelter adopt-a-thon at the Sam Simon Center in Norfolk, Virginia, we went big—and the dogs went home.

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Thanks to coverage on social media and local news outlets—as well as posters in local businesses—we had a terrific turnout.

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Out of approximately 30 dogs from regional shelters in attendance, more than a third found homes—and applications are pending on several others.

Mad Max looks more like Contented Max with his new adopted mom and canine sibling.


Mad Max looks more like Contented Max with his new adopted mom and canine sibling.

Joey, a PETA rescue you may remember from this very blog, found his perfect match in a young couple from  Virginia.


Joey, a PETA rescue you may remember from this very blog, found his perfect match in this young couple.


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Coleman is so handsome, he snagged three adoption applications.

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Sammie poses for a selfie.



We’re reeling in disbelief that no one adopted Tootie and her bestie, Hunter. This adorable dachshund duo is still up for adoption at the Virginia Beach SPCA.

Tika, also from the Virginia Beach SPCA, makes a new friend.


Tooka, also from the Virginia Beach SPCA, makes a new friend.

Cody introduces himself to a future family member.


Cody introduces himself to a future family member.

Needless to say, tiny Persephone and her even tinier puppy, Samuel, were a huge hit.


Needless to say, tiny Persephone and her even tinier puppy, Samuel, were a huge hit.

Pot Pie turned out to be this couple


Pot Pie turned out to be this couple’s cup of tea.

Roxie and her forever girls.


Roxie and her forever girls.

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Oliver is no longer an orphan.

Pebbles soaks up some rays—and some adoration.


Pebbles soaks up some rays—and some adoration.

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Every adopted dog went home with a harness and a goodie bag filled with treats donated by supporters via PETA’s Amazon wish list page.

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Humans gnoshed on veggie burgers and veggie dogs, while dogs enjoyed pumpkin and peanut butter “muttaroon” biscuits from My Vegan Sweet Tooth.

In the market for a new four-legged family member? You’ll save a life and get a friend for life when you adopt from your local animal shelter.

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