PETA India Demonstration, Sans Cops

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

While some PETA India members in Calcutta faced cop trouble at a demonstration outside the Calcutta Zoo earlier this week, others hit the streets in Delhi to help residents brush up on their ABCs: animal birth control.


Professor Pup calls class to order.
Professor Pup


Delhi, Bangalore, and other parts of the country are facing a critical animal overpopulation crisis that has left dogs and cats living in misery on the streets. Did you know that one female dog and all her puppies can produce a whopping 67,000 dogs in six years if none of them are spayed or neutered?

The solution to animal overpopulation in India—and the rest of the world—is simple: Always spay or neuter your companion animals.

Written by Liz Graffeo

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