PETA Helps Humans as Well as Other Animals

Published by Jennifer Bates.
3 min read

PETA’s 2015 Person of the Year, Pope Francis, made headlines earlier this week when he suggested that it was immoral to care about the suffering of some beings to the exclusion of others. We agree—compassion is not a finite resource that can only be meted out drop by drop. It’s an all-encompassing worldview.

Pope Francis

As an animal rights organization, PETA primarily focuses on the abuse and neglect of animals around the world. But whenever an opportunity exists for us to do even greater good by helping humans along with other animals, we seize it. That’s why instead of destroying the countless fur coats that are returned to us by people who no longer want these cruelly produced items, we donate some of them to homeless people and refugees.


And it’s also why we donate TraumaMan and other simulators to medical schools around the world. Not only do these state-of-the-art learning aids save animals from being abused and killed in experiments, they also provide students with a better understanding of human anatomy. Studies show that doctors who learn surgical skills on TraumaMan are more proficient than those who cut into animals, which means that these doctors are better equipped to save human lives.

Doctor working with TraumaMan

During the holidays and throughout the year, PETA donates nutritious vegan food to needy food banks so that no one need go hungry. We send children’s books to libraries and school reading programs, and we send delicious vegan food to women’s shelters. We also regularly pay veterinary bills when an animal’s indigent—and loving—guardian cannot afford the care themselves.


By being vegans, we are de facto humanitarians. A recent report shows that the meat industry routinely exploits its workers and that slaughterhouse employees often lose fingers or worse in their physically demanding work environments. And even though we grow enough crops to feed everyone on the planet, worldwide starvation is rampant—because the crops are fed to farmed animals, who are then slaughtered largely for consumers in the West.

There’s no way to be a meat-eating humanitarian! Show your compassion for all living beings by ordering your free vegan starter kit today.

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