Payback: Duck, Duck, Oof!

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read
activeoutdoorsconcierge / CC
Hunter and Dog

Believe me, if anyone can appreciate the thrill of the hunt, c’est moi. Seriously, I can spend hours in a Goodwill store, tracking rare vintage vinyl and bagging unique treasures.

But if you want a surefire way to ruffle my feathers, show me a man with a gun setting out with his canine buddy to maim and kill ducks. Now tell me that said dog shot the hunter in his back, sending him to the hospital—which is what happened to one California man this weekend—and I can’t help but hope that the hunter, once he recovers, will have a change of heart and find a more constructive way to spend his weekends.

Written by Karin Bennett

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