Paris Hilton Gets Faux-Fur Present From Mom
In the three years since Paris Hilton had a bouquet of flours (millet and plain baking) tossed at her—sorry, on her—by an animal rights activist, she’s come a long way. But, like some others who have graced PETA’s annual “Worst Dressed” list, Paris has gotten the message about the cruelty of the fur industry and now proudly proclaims her fur-free stance. For real! Even her mom is on board with the compassionate clothing thing:
“Nicky wanted me to get her this photograph. It is of a beautiful swan because she loves swans, so I got her that. And Paris, I am going to get her a very cool faux fur coat. Like a bomber jacket.”
—Kathy Hilton, discussing Paris’ faux-fur Christmas present
Bravo, Paris!
Based on these results, Lindsay Lohan’s mom can expect a fabulous faux to show up on LiLo’s wish list in the near future.
Written by Joel Bartlett