Pamela Anderson Vs. Finland. Round 1.

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

finland_flag.gifAs Scandinavian countries go, Finland is actually pretty awesome. They’ve got some kickass modernist architecture, the world’s finest sauna technology, and—if you’re into bands that play Metallica covers on the cello (which, honestly, who isn’t?)—an unbeatable music scene. Unfortunately, Finland also kills more foxes for their fur than almost any other nation, and we’d really, really like for them to go ahead and just stop doing that. Enter the wonderful Pamela Anderson, who’s going to be visiting the country for the annual Rauma festival this year (Pam’s ancestry is Finnish), and who took the opportunity to raise the issue with Finland’s president, Tarja Halonen. You can read Pam’s letter here, and I’ll keep you posted on Tarja’s response. Thank you, Pamela, for everything that you do. Don’t forget to bring me back a souvenir.

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