Pamela Anderson Is Always Helping Animals—Even on Her Honeymoon

Published by PETA Staff.
3 min read

Staunch animal defender Pamela Anderson is always looking for more ways to help—even when she’s on her honeymoon. While Pam and her husband, Rick Salomon, vacationed in Israel, she learned that the country is considering a bill that would ban the sale of fur. Pam dashed off an urgent letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu asking him to do everything he can to help the bill pass, and she included PETA’s undercover video that exposes Chinese fur farms. As Pam was quick to point out, Netanyahu has said that he wants to “fight cruelty toward animals,” so Israel may soon be the world’s first fur-free country.

Pamela Anderson Stamp Launch

In other celebrity news:

Ariana Grande arriving at a recording studio
  • Jon Stewart stuck up for pigs—in his own hilarious way, of course. When Fox News’ coverage of a fast-spreading pig virus included a bucolic shot of a pig rooting in hay in a spacious barn, Jon quipped, “Whose pig luxury penthouse did you shoot your footage in? Because from what I recall, the typical pig facility has a little less elbow room and a whole lot more excrement.” When his shot of pigs crammed into metal gestation crates elicited a sympathetic “Awww” from the audience, Jon returned, “Hey, it’s your f***ing bacon.”
  • Is Nick Carter toying with the idea of going vegan? Quite possibly, if his Twitter feed is any indication.
  • Comedians Teddy Ray and DoBoy are blowin’ up, and not in the good way. Since Teddy Ray weighs in at 343 pounds and DoBoy at 447, media mogul and mentor Russell Simmons decided to take the two under his wing and teach them how a plant-based diet, exercise, and meditation could help their weight drop and their careers soar. And Uncle Rush is filming the whole endeavor, so fans can watch the duo’s (often side-splitting) progress. Think of it as The Biggest Loser meets Comedy Central. Catch episodes of Teddy Ray and DoBoy: Blowin’ Up on YouTube.

Russell Simmons

“When I found out it was indeed Sea World I was like, ‘Well, we aren’t playing there anymore.’ I watched the documentary [Blackfish] and could barely get through it. It was so upsetting and heartbreaking. I was also freaked out because I had made music for a nature documentary about orcas in the Northwest called Baby Wild. It was railing against whales in captivity in general.”

And as the dolphin slaughter in Taiji, Japan, garnered worldwide attention this week, everyone on Twitter was railing against keeping marine mammals in captivity, too:

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