Pam Anderson Meets Trade Minister

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Canadian-born Pamela Anderson got a warm reception when she met with a representative from Germany’s Trade Ministry to deliver PETA’s seal appeal. She asked him to encourage the European Commission and the World Trade Organization to dismiss Canada’s challenge of Europe’s ban on seal products

Pam explained that most Canadians stand firmly with Germany and support the ban on seal products and the inevitable end of the seal slaughter.

“As the vast majority of Germans want the seal slaughter to end,” her hand-delivered letter read, “including the more than 40,000 people in Germany who have urged Canada’s prime minister to put a stop to it, I’m writing to ask that you please do all in your power to ensure that the E.U. ban on seal products remains in place.”

Knowing Germany’s progressive stance on the seal slaughter and the representative’s positive visit with Pam, we’re confident that the Trade Ministry will do exactly that.

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