Outdoors Retailer Agrees to Go Fur-Free Following Talks with PETA

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

After learning from PETA how animals are electrocuted, bludgeoned, and skinned alive for their fur, Sport Chalet has enacted a fur-free policy and removed all fur products from its shelves and inventory, including fox ski jackets, rabbit ear muffs, raccoon hats, and other items. Sport Chalet is now in line with the hundreds of other companies that have pledged to ban fur from their shelves permanently—including Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger, Inditex, H&M, J. Crew, Ralph Lauren, and Armani.

Most animals used for fur are forced to spend their entire lives confined to cramped, filthy wire cages, without access to basic necessities like food and clean water. In China—the world’s leading exporter of fur—undercover investigations have revealed that rabbits are hung upside down, screaming and kicking, and forced to watch those ahead of them die violently before their own throats are cut.

Sport Chalet’s decision is not only compassionate, but timely, since more and more shoppers are refusing to wear animal skins.

What You Can Do

Dozens of other retailers—including Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfiger, Inditex, Ann Inc., Kenneth Cole, J.Crew, and Armani—have already banned fur from their collections. Please urge Patricia Nash to join these companies in going 100% fur free.

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