It’s the (Otta)walking Dead

Published by Alisa Mullins.
2 min read

Looking like a scene out of The Walking Dead, a group of hungry zombies tucked into a macabre picnic in downtown Ottawa on Wednesday to remind passersby that all animals are made of flesh, blood, and bone.

Zombie Picnic Demo

You want flies with that?

Flesh Is for Zombies

Or maybe some fffffffava beans?

Zombie Picnic Demo

This could use a little less assault.

Meanwhile, other PETA members whose bodies were painted by volunteers (using cruelty-free paint!) to resemble skinned corpses gathered outside Montréal’s famously meaty delicatessen, Schwartz’s, to urge customers to take the “cold” out of “cold cuts” by eating vegan meats instead of dead animals

Skinned Corpse Demo

Don’t want to be confused with a zombie this Halloween? Eat grains, not brains.

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