11 Things That Happened When People Watched ‘Okja’

Published by Alanna Ramsier.
3 min read

This week, the new Netflix movie Okja was released. It’s an action-adventure film that shows the horrors of animal agriculture through the eyes of a young girl and her “super pig.” Filmmaker Bong Joon Ho should take pride in the fact that what he made is effective, because it already has numerous people pledging to go vegan after connecting with the story. If you’re ready to watch the film, here are some things that you can expect to happen:

1. She can’t even stand the sight of meat now.


2. She realized that the “Vegan Agenda” conspiracy is real and becoming mainstream.

3. Apologies were made.

 4. He entered his midlife crisis with a healthy change.

5. Tears were shed.

6. He decided it was time to stop planning and start doing.

7. If you were already vegan, you went MORE vegan.

8. … or decided to help mentor others.

9. Everyone had the same thought at the same time.

10. The future started to look brighter.

11. Seriously, this movie changed lives.

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What You Can Do

In the U.S., 110 million sensitive, affectionate animals—just like Okja—are killed for food every year. When you start to relate to who’s on your plate, you can make a difference by switching to a vegan lifestyle. Order our vegan starter kit to help get you started, and then sign our Vegan Pledge!

Have you read Free the Animals? It’s the amazing true story of the animal liberation front! It reads like a suspense novel, with riveting accounts of daring animal rescues from vivisectors, fur farms, and food factories. It’s a book you won’t be able to put down—or forget.

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