O’Hare Airport Won’t Let PETA’s Ad Fly
Chicago’s O’Hare said “Oh, no!” to PETA when we offered to buy one of the airport’s new high-tech mirror ads. Our ad would have filled a bathroom mirror, then shrunk to the corner when someone approached, and it would have warned them about McDonald’s cruelty to chickens.
The airport rejected our ad on the grounds that it “targeted a specific airport advertiser.” Apparently, O’Hare was afraid that letting people know that McDonald’s suppliers scald live chickens in steaming-hot defeathering tanks would anger the Chicago-based fast-food giant.
Once again, big money talks, but you can talk back. Let McDonald’s know that you want it to switch to the less cruel slaughter method recommended by PETA, which would eliminate the worst slaughterhouse abuses.
Written by Michelle Sherrow