NRA Defend Us!
Wonkette just reported on a leaked NRA manifesto (in comic-strip form, no less) entitled “Freedom in Peril,” which outlines the greatest threats to gun-toting NRA members who apparently can’t even allow their children outside unarmed for fear that they’ll be accosted by tree-hugging hippies and made to live in a commune.
The whole thing is priceless, but my favorite part by far is the section devoted to animal rights activists, including (apparently) a kamikaze owl, a young lady with stubbly legs and (heaven forbid) a bare midriff, and a fearsome land lobster! It looks like there’s also a cute little chicken among these “frightening forces,” from which the manifesto tells us “only the NRA has the will and the experience to do battle with.”
This seriously made my day. Check it out.