WATCH: ‘Some Traditions Truly Deserve to Die’—Powerful Video Slams Rodeos

Published by Danny Prater.
3 min read

An award-winning video by Action for Animals Oakland and Sila Productions is showing people why they should never go to a rodeo — one of America’s most shameful “traditions.” Featuring expert testimonials and interviews with reformed rodeogoers, “Bucking Tradition” is a reminder that maintaining customs doesn’t justify sustaining cruelty. To learn why we must stop the abuse of animals for events like rodeos, check out the video now:

“Some traditions truly deserve to die.”

Every reputable animal protection organization is opposed to rodeos, and for good reason. The federal Animal Welfare Act provides animals used in rodeos with no protection, and certain states exclude them from anti-cruelty statutes. Oversight of rodeos is minimal at best.

Animals exploited for calf roping, bull or bronc riding, steer wrestling, and other events are typically gentle and docile. But when these prey animals are used in rodeos, humans terrorize them and provoke their instinctual response to run from harm by physically abusing them with ropes, spurs, electric shock prods, and their hands. Riders bind horses with flank straps to make them experience discomfort, causing them to “buck,” or kick wildly, in an attempt to get free.

never go to a rodeo - here

Bulls are sometimes injected with anabolic steroids. Animals who do manage to make it through a rodeo relatively unscathed are given little time to rest or recuperate. They’re loaded into trucks, hauled to the next event, and forced to do it all again just days later. When they become too old or worn out to continue, “retirement” often means a one-way trip to the slaughterhouse.

Animals Are Not Ours to Use for Entertainment

Cows, horses, and all other animals used in rodeo events experience pain and fear—even industry insiders and former participants admit this. They form herds or families, make friends, feel terror, anticipate events, and recognize dangerous situations.

If there were no ropes or gates to prevent them from escaping, animals would never participate in a rodeo. Instead, they’d run for their lives.

Remember: It’s speciesist to think that any one type of animal is more important than another. No animal should be abused for cheap human thrills—not a dog, not a cat, not a cow, not a horse. The feelings and interests of all animals must be considered equally, regardless of any perceived purpose they might serve humans. As they have for thousands or even millions of years, animals lead full and complex lives, entirely independent of our own. They don’t exist to serve as our clowns, vehicles, fabrics, or meals.

Never Go to a Rodeo

Be sure to share this important video online with your friends, family, and social media followers. Let them know why you’ll never go to a rodeo. You can also support animal-friendly legislation in your community. Contact your local officials and ask them to work toward a ban on rodeos.

never go to the rodeo - protest photo

If a rodeo is slated to take place in your area, PETA stands ready to help you protest the abuse with expert advice and informational materials. Never be silent when animals are suffering!

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