Naked Truth, Part Deux

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

The thing about the truth is that it just never gets old, especially when there’s nudity involved. The truth about the chicks raised for KFC is that they’re horrifically abused and often scalded alive. The infinitely more palatable truth about these two chicks, who happen to be colleagues of mine, is that they don’t have any clothes on. The hope is that the one truth will make the other truth easier to process, and, based on the reactions of some folks in KFC’s hometown of Lousiville where this protest took place, it’s working like a charm. Be careful not to get the two truths mixed up though—there’s absolutely no good reason for boycotting naked chicks.

Louisville, KY KFC Naked Truth Protest 3-8-07.jpg

There are 19 more photos where that came from in The Louisville Courier Journal. The photographer just couldn’t stop for some reason …

Naked Truth demo.jpg
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