Muscular Dystrophy Patient’s Video Against Tests on Animals Is Amazing

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Pascaline Wittkowski has lived most of her life with muscular dystrophy. While she has waited and suffered, researchers have wasted decades and millions of dollars performing cruel tests on animals that still have not produced a cure. They have cost countless animals—and perhaps countless humans—their lives. Pascaline has had enough.

She’s tired of experimenters giving her false hope. And she doesn’t want the wasteful and abusive experiments being performed on dogs in laboratories in France and the U.S., including at Texas A&M University, conducted in her name.

Pascaline, like many people with debilitating illnesses, wants researchers to adopt advanced, human-relevant research methods. And she knows that “human-relevant” means “animal-free.”

What You Can Do

Please support Pascaline by telling Texas A&M to pursue advanced science, shut down its dog laboratories, and allow the remaining dogs to be adopted into loving homes.


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