Funds Wasted on Animal Tests While the World Awaits Coronavirus Vaccine

Published by Katherine Sullivan.
3 min read

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) experimenter Elisabeth Murray doesn’t want us to see monkeys—who are capable of suffering, just like you and me—being inflicted with brain damage, locked inside cages, and then terrified with fake spiders and snakes.

“You know, to be honest with you, we don’t usually take photos of that sort of thing because we are all afraid they’ll fall into the wrong hands,” Murray once said in an interview with Ingrid Farreras of the NIH Office of History.

The “wrong hands” Murray was undoubtedly referring to belong to us—the taxpayers who have been bankrolling NIH’s sadistic and worthless “monkey fright” experiments, many unwittingly. However, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, we’re blowing the lid off the whole thing and shining a spotlight on the footage Murray doesn’t want any of us to see.

GIFs: Monkey Fright Night in a Government Lab!

This monkey, for example, didn’t want to be inflicted with permanent, traumatic brain damage, which occurred after Murray cut into his head, sawed off a portion of his skull, and injected toxins into his brain.

monkey fright experiments gif

There’s no way this monkey wanted to be placed alone inside a small metal cage, possibly after Murray or another experimenter had suctioned out or burned part of his brain.

monkey fright experiments gif

This monkey—shaking the bars of his cage—should never have been frightened with rubber snakes or spiders, wooden mechanical snakes, or fake jumping spiders.

nih experiments gif

And this monkey, scared and alone, certainly didn’t sign up to be deliberately terrified and then abused in other horrific experiments or killed.

nih experiments gif

Murphy was taken away from his mother at a young age so Elisabeth Murray could torture him. See his heartbreaking story:

Murphy’s Story Shows What It’s Like to Be Treated as a Test Tube

Every day of Murphy’s life has been a living nightmare — all because of ONE person.

Posted by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) on Friday, July 17, 2020

Murray claims that these tests shed light on human neuropsychiatric disorders, but not a single treatment or cure for humans has come out of them in 30 years.


So while Americans wait for cures for deadly diseases, NIH—the U.S.’ premier health agency—is sucking out parts of monkeys’ brains and then scaring them with “snakes” and “spiders.”

NIH must shut down this horrific laboratory, redirect the funds to superior non-animal research methods that benefit humans, and retire the surviving monkeys to sanctuaries. Click on the link below if you’re with us:

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