An MLK Day Lesson from a Child

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

PETA campaigners headed out for the new Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial on the National Mall on Monday toting a box of All Animals Are Equal magazines and signs featuring one of Dr. King’s most famous quotes, hoping to inspire people. As it turned out, we were the ones who were inspired.

The PETA gals met a beautiful little girl who, at 9 years old, is already an advocate for social justice, including animal rights. She told them that she went vegetarian at age 6, and today she’s truly honoring Dr. King exactly as we all should—not just in voice, but in practice—by continuing to fight injustice with knowledge and love.

Dr. King once said, “[B]abies, we are told, are the latest news from Heaven.” He would also likely agree with these famous words: “And a child shall lead them.”

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