Michael Vick Wants a Dog? No. Just … No.

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

If he had any shame or decency, federally convicted dog murderer Michael Vick wouldn’t dream of suggesting that it is somehow “unfair” (his word) to suggest that he shouldn’t have another dog. But now he’s out in TV Land promoting a book and expressing his desire to give his son a dog. Perhaps he’d have a hard time explaining to his son what Daddy did with the last “pet” dogs who lived in the house: Vick threw them into the fighting pit and laughed his head off while they were torn apart. 

A suspected victim of dogfighting whom PETA staffers were able to rescue with the help of local law enforcement officials.

Since PETA was instrumental in efforts to make sure that Vick’s crimes were taken seriously, people naturally want to know our opinion of Vick’s hopes of getting his hands on another dog. As PETA’s president, Ingrid E. Newkirk, who met privately with Vick when he attended our animal empathy course following his 2007 arrest, expressed it:

PETA knows from firsthand experience that Michael Vick is a selfish man and a proven liar, probably a psychopath, who, if he had one grain of remorse, would never go near another dog as long as he lives. All things considered, it is a very small price to pay, especially compared to the suffering endured by the dogs who were abused and killed at the Bad Newz Kennels.

Michael Vick lied to my face about how he loved his pet dogs and didn’t see them as the same as the dogs he forced to fight to the death. That was before it was revealed that he threw those dogs into the pit—and laughed while they were torn apart.

Just as convicted pedophiles aren’t allowed free access to children, anyone who is responsible for hanging, electrocuting, and shooting dogs and who caused them to suffer in other unimaginable ways should never again be allowed to be within 50 feet of a dog.

Vick needs to teach his children that actions have consequences, that people who can’t be trusted with animals shouldn’t have any, and that it’s important to take responsibility for our choices and to make better choices going forward—like not getting another dog. First, he’d have to learn those lessons himself.

What You Can Do

PETA continues to make strides against the hideous cruelty of animal fighting. Learn more about dogfighting and how you can help stop this merciless blood sport.


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