Melting Igloo Confronts APEC Leaders in Manila: Fight Climate Change With Diet Change

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

As world leaders arrived for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Manila, a costumed “chicken” from PETA Asia brandished signs proclaiming, “Meat Melts the World. Harden Your Resolve. Go Vegan” and “Stop Climate Change. Go Vegan” in front of an actual life-sized igloo, which gradually melted in the sun.

PETA Asia Pacific igloo demo
PETA Asia Pacific igloo demo

PETA previously called on the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting to serve exclusively vegan meals during the event. As the group notes, the United Nations has stated that a worldwide shift toward vegan eating is needed to combat the worst effects of climate change. Animal agriculture is also among the top contributors to the most serious environmental problems we face, including destruction of the rainforests, water shortages, air and water pollution, and loss of biodiversity.

In addition to being kinder to the planet, vegan meals spare animals immense suffering in today’s industrialized meat, egg, and dairy industries.

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