Megan Park Storms Parliament for Elephants

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Members of the Ontario Provincial Parliament might not have been expecting to get a personal visit from one of the stars of The Secret Life of the American Teenager when Megan Park knocked on their door. But the Ontario-born actor wasn’t there to sign autographs; she was there to hand-deliver a letter she penned to Parliament on behalf of PETA asking for the legislators’ support of Bill 69—the Elephant Protection Act.
Thank you to One Eye Productions

This historic piece of legislation would ban circuses and zoos in Ontario from using bullhooks (which resemble fireplace pokers), electric prods, and other weapons to beat elephants into submission and force them to perform confusing and uncomfortable tricks. The bill would also prohibit circuses or zoos from tethering elephants except during transport or veterinary procedures. When Zoocheck Canada asked for PETA’s help in getting the bill passed, we and Megan were both excited to jump on board. In her letter, Megan stressed the urgency of Parliament’s passage of the Elephant Protection Act:

Make no mistake: There is no other use for a bullhook than to inflict corporal punishment or evoke memories of beatings in order to intimidate elephants into performing. … Elephants deserve our respect, kindness, and protection. I implore you to make the compassionate decision to support the passage of Bill 69.

Join Megan in asking Ontario legislators to support the Elephant Protection Act.

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