It’s the Meat, Stupid!

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Everyone needs to pay attention because this is getting a lot less hype in the media than the original story did. There’s scientific evidence to prove what PETA has been saying all along: The recent salmonella outbreak wasn’t all about tomatoes or jalapeños but rather contaminated water.

Why is the water contaminated, you ask? Long story short, it’s because massive overproduction of factory-farmed animals leads to tons of feces. Cattle are sick (rhymes with “ick”), and so are chickens. Living in filth makes their disease spread. Those tons and tons of contaminated feces then end up in the irrigation water (ick)—the same water that then ends up on the produce (double ick).


The meat industry is the culprit! (I keep hearing my mother’s voice in my head … “If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you 1,000 times.”) So stop blaming the poor tomatoes already!

Better yet, join the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) in demanding that the Department of Health and Human Services investigate the meat industry—the real reason why our produce is contaminated!

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