McDonald’s Gives Jenna Jameson a Break(down)
PETA’s brand-new McCruelty PSA starring actor Jenna Jameson turned out fantastic, as we knew it would, but we had to shoot it several times. Jenna had to stop the action to regain her composure whenever she started talking about how chickens’ legs are often broken when workers slam them upside down into metal shackles, and how these gentle birds are frequently scalded alive in defeathering tanks.
It’s depressing enough to think (and blog) about cruelty that McDonald’s could stop but simply chooses not to—let alone to talk about it on camera. Perhaps McDonald’s should change its slogan “You deserve a break today” to “We’ll give you a breakdown today.”
Jenna is passionate about this issue, and she’s optimistic that better times for chickens are ahead. “They’re going to listen. Just wait,” she told PETA. Yes, they will, if we all get behind the campaign and push—so come on, everyone. And thank you, Jenna!
Please join Jenna in demanding that McDonald’s start buying chickens from suppliers that only use controlled-atmosphere killing, a less cruel form of slaughter.