A Long Happy Life and a Peaceful Release

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Max the cat and his guardian had spent 20 happy years together. Of course, the time finally came when, because of Max’s advanced age, his health deteriorated. This always-friendly cat was losing weight fast, crying out often, and suffering from dementia. He even began biting people out of confusion or pain or both. Max’s guardian had waited too long to end his suffering, and he knew it. He called PETA.

Not wanting Max to suffer another minute more, we quickly arranged for euthanasia at a local vet’s office. Although saying “Goodbye” to his constant companion of two decades was agonizing for him, Max’s guardian knew that he owed it to this beloved cat to do the right thing, no matter how difficult it was. This was not a time to be thinking about himself. Max was all that mattered.

Most folks let their animal companions go on too long because they feel guilty about euthanasia or are afraid of letting go. But we must be strong and always make the best decisions for them. Isn’t that the very least that they deserve?

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