Ruth, Rosie, and a Rescue to Remember (Video)

Published by Katherine Sullivan.
4 min read

Remember JRT John’s Jack Russell Terriers, the Michigan breeding operation run by John D. Jones? How could you not? Ever since PETA published the results of our undercover investigation—which showed that Jones warehoused dogs outdoors in the freezing cold and mutilated puppies—and held a four-day sit-in at the Missaukee County Sheriff’s Office, it’s been victory after victory for the dogs Jones once tormented and exploited. Thirty-nine of them were rescued, and felony cruelty-to-animals and related charges were filed against Jones. Two of the dogs who were rescued came to PETA’s shelter for TLC and to prepare for life in a loving new home. Thanks to PETA’s love, care, and patience, these two are now enjoying happy, healthy lives with their new guardians.

A Cherryland Humane Society staffer and a PETA Fieldworker prepare these two dogs—rescued from a Michigan puppy-breeding operation—for the trip of a lifetime.

While at JRT John’s Jack Russell Terriers, the owner kept these two dogs solely for breeding, isolated in a pen without beds, toys, or stimulation of any kind. They were confined outside on mud and exposed to the cold, rain, and snow—leaving them soaked and unable to get warm or even dry. During winter, their water froze nearly every day.

Before she was rescued and hit the road for PETA’s shelter, this dog was given only a few handfuls of new straw for the dilapidated doghouse she was forced to exist in—it was all the breeder would allow.

Denied companionship, exercise, and stimulation, these two girls and the other frantic terriers just ran around in circles, paced back and forth, and jumped up and down, clawing at the wire fencing in desperation. Their barking was deafeningly loud. This type of behavior was a heartbreaking attempt to cope with the frustration and stress of intensive confinement and deprivation—horrors that these two dogs, thanks to PETA’s investigation, will never have to endure again.

PETA’s investigator never saw the breeder touch this dog or any of those who were housed outside. At the Cherryland Humane Society—and with PETA’s fieldworkers—this girl and her companion received the attention that social animals like them need.
From JRT to TLC—Rescued Jack Russell Dogs Ready for Adoption
PETA fieldworkers hold two dogs rescued from JRT John’s Jack Russell Terriers following an undercover investigation, which exposed how the breeding operation’s owner warehoused dogs outdoors in the freezing cold and mutilated puppies. Our field team dubbed the gals Ruth (left) and Rosie.

As a result of enduring years of deprivation, Ruth and Rosie had to start from scratch to learn how to be dogs—everything was new to them, from walking on a leash and meeting humans to navigating doorways and riding in cars.

From JRT to TLC—Rescued Jack Russell Dogs Ready for Adoption
PETA fieldworkers take curious, playful Ruth (left) and Rosie for a walk—something they had not previously experienced.

Thanks to the hardworking staff at the Cherryland Humane Society in Michigan, they experienced kindness for the first time and were able to rest their weary paws. These gals made tremendous progress in the short time they were with PETA, and they continue to improve in their adoptive homes.

Ruth and Rosie will never again be used for breeding, watch helplessly as their puppies are taken from them and mutilated, or be kept in isolation. These long-suffering Jack Russell terriers finally have the lives they’ve always deserved. Look at them now!

rosie dog for adoption
rosie dog for adoption

Ruth and Rosie’s new guardians are meeting their special needs—they are committed and patient and have been helping them conquer their fears, socialize, and enjoy life as all canine companions should.

Please click below to help prevent more cruelty from being inflicted on dogs.

It’s up to the Michigan Department of Agriculture & Rural Development to oversee kennels—it’s expected to enforce bare minimum standards for dogs’ care. Please urge it to ensure that dogs never again suffer at Jones’ hands anywhere in Michigan.

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