Why Are We Showering JLo With Gifts?

Published by Lindsay Pollard-Post.
< 1 min read
Jennifer Lopez

Jay Z and Beyoncé made headlines last winter when they did it. And now Jennifer Lopez is embracing vegan eating as a way to help her stay fit.

To celebrate all the lives she’ll be saving, we rushed JLo a gift basket filled with vegan cookbooks (including Viva Vegan! and Chloe’s Vegan Desserts) and our saucy “Kale, Yeah, I’m Vegan” T-shirt. And since she mentioned that the only thing she misses is butter, we already tweeted to her about how delicious dairy-free Earth Balance buttery spread is.

It seems like JLo’s kind new way of eating will stick: She told New York’s Z100, “You do feel better. I do recommend the vegan diet because you wake up and feel great!”

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