Chicago Bull Jalen Smith Is an MVP for Animals—Here Are His ‘Three-Pointers’ for Keeping Companion Dogs Safe in the Winter

Published by Elena Waldman.
2 min read

Swish! In the Windy City and beyond, it’s getting “brick” out there—and we’re not talking about foul free throws. That’s why Chicago Bulls center Jalen Smith is laying down three-pointers for dog guardians in a new PETA campaign: Play nice, keep your dogs courtside, and never leave them out in the cold.

chicago bulls nba player jalen smith and his companion dog phoenix in peta's cold dogs psa

In PETA’s new video, Smith passes the ball to the MVP of his family’s team: his adopted canine companion, Phoenix. Whether he’s at home or at the arena, Phoenix—a “magnet for affection”—is always kept safe and warm inside.

The Bottom Line: Dogs Left Outside Suffer

Every year, PETA receives thousands of complaints about animals left outside in the cold, where they can suffer and die from frostbite, exposure, and dehydration when water sources ice over. In 2024 alone, there have been at least 30 cold weather–related companion animal deaths and hundreds more injuries and rescues—and those are just the ones that have been reported. Most aren’t.

dog chained outside
All winter long, PETA’s fieldworkers find dogs shivering, emaciated, and unable to escape the freezing cold. The team provided this dog, Major, with straw bedding, food, and water.

That’s why PETA encourages everyone to treat dogs like family—just as Smith does with Phoenix—and bring them inside.

I wouldn’t keep my dog outside because I wouldn’t want to be left outside.”

How to Score a Slam Dunk? Be an Ally-oop to Animals

Smith said it best: “Nobody wants to be outside during harsh weather conditions.” As temperatures drop, keep your companions indoors and be on the lookout for animals in need. You can also help dogs who are left chained or penned outdoors by advocating for tethering bans in your community. To get started, see what current legislation on tethering exists in your community.

Dogs should never be left outside unsupervised, but when they’re outside and deprived of access to water or shelter, the situation becomes an emergency—and you should contact local authorities immediately. If they’re unresponsive, contact PETA for help. Remember: An animal’s life could depend on you.

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