Internet Soup!

Published by PETA Staff.
3 min read

Yes, yes, y’all. It’s soup time. By which I mean, it’s Friday afternoon, and I’ve more or less run out of coherent things to say and am reduced to starting units of thought with phrases like “Yes, yes, y’all”. For which I apologize from the bottom of my heart.

But back to the task at hand. I’d like to offer you my personal guarantee that all of the links below have been given the official PETA Files Seal of Approval. This means that every video, article, or other webpage contained therein has at some point or other been deemed by me or someone I know to be at least mildly interesting, amusing, or otherwise edifying. Or, translated into plain English, “Click at your own risk.” Here goes:

  1. Henri is a haunted cat.
  2. “You’re probably having a lot of new feelings, and … urges. And that’s … normal.”
  3. There was some debate in the office about whether this one was brilliant or heavyhanded. I imagine it’s a bit of both.
  4. If real life were more like Facebook, there would be a good deal more poking. Which would work out quite well for us in Sweden.
  5. One more reason to love Deadspin. The apropros-of-nothing Lettuce Lady shots during NHL commentary.
  6. Superfans of Sir Paul can feel free to sign this petition someone sent me.
  7. Not to be a downer all of a sudden, but this was seriously the most depressing thing I’ve read all week.
  8. Gold star to those smooth-talking scholars over at peta2 for sponsoring a sorority formal. I guess my invite got lost in the intra-office mail?
  9. Thanks to Copyranter for emblazoning this image on my mind. As he points out, some people just do our job for us.
  10. Famous PETA anti-fur ads, um, reenvisioned.
  11. And finally, I’ve had this BBC article in my Inbox for almost a full year now, and I may even have linked to it before, but for some reason I’m completely in love with the scientist’s quote about the origins of the domestic cat. There’s just something so beautifully absurd about it (for best results, try reading in a British accent).

    “The Felidae family is well known as a successful predator – very deadly, very ferocious, very threatening to all species including humankind,” said co-author Stephen O’Brien, of the US National Cancer Institute. “But this little guy actually chose not to be that,” he said. “He actually chose to be a little bit friendly and also was a very good mouser.”

Thank you, Stephen O’Brien. And with that, this week’s edition of Internet Soup comes to an end. For those of you who are still casting about for utterly inane things to do on the Web, perhaps you’d like to join my ill-fated and ill-thought-out campaign to save the subjunctive. Any takers?


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