Internet Soup!

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Tasty_Internet_Soup.jpgI haven’t done one of these in a long time, but I’ve been getting so many great links lately that I thought I’d bring it back. Also, to be honest, I’m still recovering from yesterday’s tragic events, and I could use a little light relief. So here you go: The very best that the Internet has to offer this week on themes at least tangentially connected to animal rights. Enjoy!

  1. Miss Manners straight-up represents on uncivilized non-vegans.
  2. Deer: 1. Hunter: 0. I think I may have posted this one before at some point, but hey, it’s a winner. Thanks to Robert Maloney for sending in the link.
  3. Once you GoVeganRadio, you can never go back …
  4. PETA VP Dan Mathews talks about Nancy Reagan’s new coat
  5. This year’s most vegetarian-friendly university is revealed!
  6. Ingrid Newkirk’s letter to the editor about Matthew Scully’s Dominion was published in The New York Times today. You can find that here.
  7. And Alec Baldwin fights for healthier school lunches.

If that’s not enough to while away the last 20 minutes or so of your work day, you should have a listen to the segment about vegan Thanksgivings on NPR’s Splendid Table, featuring the good folks from Post Punk Kitchen. Definitely worth a listen if cooking’s your thing.

And when you’re finished with all that, why not treat yourself to the website I made about my recent trip to Canada. They didn’t let me in.

P.S. Don’t forget to check out I Am an Animal tonight on HBO!

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