Inauguration Antics

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

Today is an exciting and historic day for our country! Everyone and his brother has flocked to the nation’s capital to catch a glimpse of our new president and first family becoming … well, exactly that. Now, at PETA, we believe that in order to be a strong nation, we need a limitless amount of compassion, great endurance, and excellent health—and the best way to get all that is to go vegetarian. Want to see all the exciting things we’re doing for the inauguration today? We’ve got some fantastic pictures to show you:


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Our “Be Fur-Free” bunny, raccoon, and fox were all over the city to remind people about the cruelty of the fur industry. Unfortunately, when big crowds get together in cold weather, there are always a few fur hags being eyesores. Check out these pics of our friends getting out the message:


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This whole idea has even sparked a global interest. PETA Asia-Pacific got in on the action, too, when its “Yes We Can” cow showed up at the U.S. consulate in Hong Kong.




Written by Christine Doré

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