Humane Hijackers Take Over TWTRCON Feed

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

As NASA public affairs specialist Stephanie Schierholz took to the stage at Monday’s TWTRCON to weigh in on “customer service,” animal defenders elsewhere took to their Twitter accounts and took over the #TWTRCON hashtag—specifically weighing in on NASA’s plan to fund a misguided, cruel, and wasteful experiment in which dozens of squirrel monkeys would be blasted with harmful space radiation.




Tweets about NASA’s radiation experiments started appearing on large projectors flanking the sides of the stage that the conference was using to display tweets about the event. One attendee reported that after the NASA representative responded to the surprise Twitter protest by shrugging her shoulders and rolling her eyes, curious audience members could be heard tapping on their keyboards for more information about NASA’s plans to bankroll the torment of monkeys at the Brookhaven National Laboratory and Harvard’s McLean Hospital.

Schierholz reportedly muttered, “[M]aybe we’re experimenting on monkeys.” No, NASA—if caring people have anything to say about it, you won’t be. We’ll keep tweeting and taking to the streets, the phone lines, and online petitions until your plans for these cruel, senseless experiments are canceled.

Written by Karin Bennett

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