Howard Stern Loves PETA, Hates SeaWorld

Published by Alisa Mullins.
3 min read
Howard Stern

On Wednesday, “King of All Media” Howard Stern played a news item on his radio show about PETA’s anti-SeaWorld Comic-Con ad. Afterward, he and co-host Robin Quivers had a few choice words for SeaWorld. “It certainly cannot be right to take a whale, a giant whale, and put him in a swimming pool-type existence,” Stern said. “I mean, it sounds horrible. It’s a terrible thing. I am against it. And I support PETA in this.”

In other celebrity news:

  • Singer Ariana Grande had a strong reaction to PETA’s “Bacon in 60 Seconds Flat” video.
  • Natalie Portman was spotted exiting a Pilates class wearing a PETA T-shirt. (We’ve already got more tees en route to her so that she’ll have something to wear when that one’s in the wash.)
  • Lena Dunham thinks eating vegan may be linked to the fountain of youth.
  • F Word stars Zoe Kazan and Megan Park love the Toronto vegan restaurant Fresh so much that they ate there almost every day while filming the movie.
  • Vampire Diaries co-stars Joseph Morgan and Persia White love animals so much that they had an all-vegan wedding.
  • What do Newt Gingrich and Cher have in common? They both want depressed polar bear Arturo freed from a dismal Argentinian zoo.
  • Breaking Bad star Krysten Ritter has joined pretty much every other celebrity on the planet in urging fans to stay away from SeaWorld.
  • Demi Lovato says eating vegan is rawsome: “I’m gluten-free and dairy-free because I’m allergic to them. I just eat vegan and raw as much as possible and it’s really changed my body and made me feel better.”
  • Rappers N.O.R.E. and Chase N. Cashe agree.
  • Can we get an amen from Farewell, My Love drummer Chad Kowal?

To keep up with what all your favorite stars are doing for animals, follow @PETA on Twitter.

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