PETA Names the Top Things That Hit Video Game ‘Stray’ Gets Right About Cats

Published by Danny Prater.
3 min read

The hit video game Stray points out many important struggles that “outdoor cats” face, and it’s getting top marks from PETA for its accuracy.

Here are PETA’s top things that Stray gets right about cats:

1. Cats are naturally curious and playful animals.
stray cat game gif - cat knocking paint can off ledge
2. They usually sleep between 12 and 18 hours a day, but those living outside often don’t have that luxury, as they must be alert to danger.
stray cat game gif - 18 hours of sleep
3. Cats who are homeless or allowed to roam outdoors can be injured or become lost.
stray cat game gif - injured and lost cat
4. Scratching is a normal, instinctive feline behavior and shouldn’t be punished.
stray cat game gif - cat scratching
5. Cats who are let outdoors are much more likely to contract life-threatening parasites.
stray cat game gif - dangerous parasites
6. All cats deserve to have a happy and safe life indoors.
stray cat game gif - happy indoor cat
(And if you see a Zurk in real life, you should run, too!)
stray cat game gif - zurk enemies

Are you a conscientious gamer who wants to extend your concern for animals to other worlds? PETA’s got you covered.

PETA hopes all games will encourage people to feel closer to the animals we share our planet with and inspire them to work to #EndSpeciesism—the misguided belief that humans are superior to all other animal species and that it’s OK for us to exploit them in horrible ways for our own trivial purposes.

Want to Learn More About Caring for Cats Indoors?

Are two cats better than one? Why do cats “make biscuits” on your lap? 250 Vital Things Your Cat Wants You to Know by PETA President Ingrid Newkirk answers those questions and many more. It’s required reading if you want to ensure that all nine of your cat’s lives are as happy and fulfilling as felinely possible.

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