‘The Grey’ Has Us Seeing Red

Published by PETA Staff.
2 min read

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There’s no gray area when it comes to The Grey—this film has been rotten to wolves from the get-go.

Reneging on Their Word

Long before filming started, PETA met with a producer of The Grey and explained how animals used in movies often spend most of their time confined to chains or cages when they are not performing and may be beaten or deprived of food in order to force them to perform. The producers assured us that they would use only computer-generated imagery and animatronic wolves—but we’ve now learned that they reneged on their promise. 

Eating Wolf Meat

Director Joe Carnage—oh, excuse me … Carnahan—ordered wolf carcasses flown in for the cast to eat so that the actors would “have a sense of the movie we were making.” He bought the meat from a trapper, meaning that the wolves likely suffered horribly in traps before being killed.

Not surprisingly, Liam Neesonno friend to animals, was game for eating wildlife. 

The Big, Bad Wolf

A film that has the potential to scare more people than “Little Red Riding Hood,” The Grey portrays these intelligent, family-oriented animals the same way in which Jaws portrays sharks. The writers paint a pack of wolves living in the Alaskan wilderness as bloodthirsty monsters, intent on killing every survivor of a plane crash by tearing each person limb from limb. Yet wolves aren’t aggressive animals, and as Maggie Howell, the managing director of America’s Wolf Conservation Center, says, “Wolves don’t hunt humans—they actually shy away from them.”

Don’t just shy away—run away from The Grey.

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