Getting on Board Against McCruelty
Meet Feel Ideal. Practically every day that weather permits, he can be found outside his local McDonald’s in Honolulu handing out leaflets explaining how chickens killed for the fast-food giant suffer and how the company—as one of the biggest sellers of chicken meat—could reduce this abuse by requiring its suppliers to switch to a more humane slaughter method.
It wouldn’t be a proper protest without a poster, and Feel Ideal gave his a uniquely Hawaiian twist. Yes, it’s the world’s first McCruelty body board!
There’s an important lesson to be learned from Mr. Ideal: You don’t have to wait for a large organized demonstration to speak out against McCruelty (or any other kind of cruelty). You can make a huge statement all by yourself. And when you do, you’re not really alone—PETA’s got your back. Join the PETA Action Team to work together toward a kinder world for everyone.