Free Body Bag With Purchase of a Puppy

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read

Readers of Dog Fancy magazine opened the recent issue to see an ad that read, “Just bought a brand-new purebred puppy? Welcome him or her into your home with a free gift bag! Call us today at 1-866-834-6061 to claim your bag and hear about our products.” The ad’s offer sounds good enough, right?

Well, for people who actually called the number, the offer may have lost some of its appeal when they learned that the “gift” bags are actually body bags! If readers knew the ad was placed by PETA, they may have expected the shocking twist, but why would we want to give away a little detail like that?

The ad and the body bags were created to serve as a strong reminder to all dog lovers that for every dog you buy, another one will die, because every dog purchased from a breeder takes a spot in a home that a homeless dog is dying to fill. With the millions of homeless animals in this country, it’s insane to buy rather than adopt.

Our video “Buy One, Get One Killed” drives home that point nicely.

Posted by Jennifer Cierlitsky

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