Foie Gras Can Hardly Be Halal

Published by PETA Staff.
< 1 min read


Fir0002/Flagstaffotos / GFDL


As the home of Western Europe’s largest Muslim population, it’s not surprising that France is experiencing a boom in halal food sales. But in their zeal to cater to the second-largest religious group in the world, food retailers are marketing so-called “halal” foie gras. Because Mohammed (PBUH) admonished his followers always to be kind to animals, good Muslims know that it is forbidden (haram) to deliberately harm an animal before taking that life. So how on Earth could it be remotely halal (approved) to produce foie gras, the “delicacy of despair,” which requires ramming a metal pipe down birds’ throats and pumping corn mush into their stomachs until their livers become diseased and enlarge to up to 10 times their normal size? I can’t think of any way that force-feeding can be done so that it complies with Islamic law.

You can find out more about Islam and animals at

Written by Logan Scherer

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